Future of Corporate Fitness Center Management

Gym Design, On-Site Operations, and Virtual Services


From wellness professionals to fitness facility management, Kinema will provide a higher level of engagement and excitement.

Kinema Fitness is a forward thinking, corporate fitness center management and design company that delivers incredible fitness and wellness programs. With a passion for providing comprehensive holistic wellness experiences, delivering operational efficiencies, leveraging the newest  technologies, all while providing unparalleled service and results, Kinema stands apart. Kinema inspires through innovation and creativity, from operations to programming, we engage members by educating and building relationships that are meaningful and lasting.  Kinema has built a team of wellness and fitness experts that support our sites across the country.

Through extremely high member utilization rates, class participation numbers, personal training sessions, holistic wellness offerings, and member satisfaction, Kinema creates a unique wellness experience unlike no other.  In today’s environment, employers are looking for ways to drive employees back to the office,  Kinema does this in a multi-faceted way.  Kinema is fun, creative and unique when it comes to our programming.  It is also custom tailored. Kinema leverages a vetted network of technology and biotech companies within their operations to deliver a true preventative wellness solution.  Kinema’s fitness center operations are flexible and customized to meet the needs of each one of our clients.  Whether you are looking for a part time operation or a full time solution, all models are supported by a large team of wellness professionals.

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Re-imagine and inspire through cutting edge design.

There is a unique balance between art and science when it comes to fitness center design and the Kinema team has the expertise and experience to blend the two. Our design team takes unprecedented steps to customize each layout based on numerous factors to ensure maximum efficiency, traffic flow, future operations, ADA standards, and functionality.  Kinema has WELL Accredited Professionals on their staff to assist with designs.

From beginning to end, we are completely transparent in our modeling and forecasting.  Our goal is to ensure we deliver a vast network of the best equipment manufacturers, flooring and locker room experts, and other suppliers to provide the highest quality products.  From next generation fitness equipment to scientifically engineered sound proof flooring, Kinema will implement the best solution.  Kinema Fitness will also leverage our wellness partners to integrate innovative wellness solutions and products into our overall design plans.

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WWE Headquarter


Kinema Fitness has partnered with WWE and Restaurant Associates to provide a robust onsite fitness operation to the brand new HQ of WWE.

WWE Headquarter

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